340 views0April 5, 2022Updated on January 13, 2023
DocSigning for OCA: Enabled AdobeSign, DocuSign, or AssureSign document signing process when defined in an OCA and executed via a workflow. (AV)
OCA-Config: It is now possible to use a custom FetchXML based on the “systemuser”-entity for your DisplayRules. This means that you are now able to make OCAs only visible to members of a specific team. (DB)
SharePoint metadata for pdf: Fixed an issue where saving SharePoint metadata & “SPAssignToUser” (OnBehalfOf-column) did not work (the user was not displayed) if the resulting document was a PDF and was attached to an e-mail. (AV)
Fixed an issue where users of the DocumentsCorePack OnPremise version were unable to successfully generate documents with the DocumentsCorePack plug-in. (CK)
Performance improvements in the preprocessing of documents. (CT)